Here's an update...
My cousin called me out for a movie. Wtf, damn late notice. Anyway, went to Tiong and watched the 6:10 screening of Karate Kid. Cool movie. Very cool kicks.
Went for training in the morning. Quite fun, it rained. So we did PT. Pain. Like. Hell. Hahas. Anyway, when we were taking back the boats from the pontoon area, the stupid old dog-man told us(note the word TOLD) to help him empty his stupid boat. We're good people, so Benjamin, Saravind, Benedict and I hopped into the water to drag the boat up while some others took out the water. I have to admit, it was fun. But I still don't like the old dude.
After training, chipped away at my boat. Yay, I got rid of the LiangJin logo :D HATE that china company. Screwed my boat. :/
Went to bus stop. Checked with the Iris thingy, next 132 was 41 minutes. We were like WOAH and decided to go to Bishan MRT instead. Met Jazz and Manoj there. They went to Junction8 for lunch. Pangseh. :(
Went to school with Benjamin. He went to his lesson, and I got my ticket for the dinner. Damn, should have left it till later. One whole month to the dinner. :/
Went for Terrence See's birthday celebration at Seoul Garden! I got lost at Suntec(again) and finally made it to Marina Square at 12:20 or so. I felt kinda extra and awkward being the only non-NCC cadet there, but I got used to it after awhile. After all, they're all nice guys there. :D
After lunch, went with Terrence and Ambrose to meet Saras at Tiong after her paper. Went to Safra, where we played billiard(or pool. I'm not sure). Ambrose had to leave halfway and Ali rejoined us there. Quite fun. HAHAHAHA. And cool.
As for YESTERDAY, I played for the whole day. Regretting it now. Tired. :/
Pandaaaaa-moni~ Signing Out!
Getting consumed @ 12:27 AM